On the Soul’s Terms Podcast


‘The invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body.’ (Watkins Dictionary)

A character in Greek Mythology whose beauty surpasses even the Goddess Aphrodite’s (which is impressive as her very name is synonymous with beauty). Beloved of the winged god of Love: Eros. Their love existed only in the darkness of night (dreamworld) until, after a series of trials, Psyche earns immortality, Aphrodite’s blessing and Eros’ hand in marriage.


Psychology is the pairing of Psyche with Logos; the attempt to build a framework of understanding for Psyche. 

Psychotherapy, then, is when we bring Therapeia to Psyche; we attend to her needs. We take care of her. We ask what ails her.

As a psychotherapist, the task is to meet Psyche on her own terms

On the Soul’s Terms

On the Soul’s Terms is to attend to the needs of the soul as she manifests in each individual psyche, in her many forms, and through her many maladies.

 As Psyche is imaginal, to connect to her we must make contact with the unseen: the felt, the implied, the ‘as if’ world.

Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients
— Hippocrates