The Hero & Heroine’s Journey

In this collaborative podcast I had the honour of joining Chantal Russell to discuss the wonders and the limits of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. Chantal opens, tilling the deep and fertile soil of the missing feminine pieces in Campbell’s work. And for my part, when asked about the state of the masculine in the world, I’m drawn to the story of Hercules and the tragedy that begins his 12 labours. Apple/Spotify.


Eros & Psyche: Timeless Lessons for the Modern Predicament

Round two of the CCC Podcast was the chance to explore Eros & Psyche and their love affair in Greek Myth, just in time for Valentine’s Day. This conversation was unexpected and a last minute pivot from a plan we’d had to record something different. It took us to some deep places. Listen in to find out where. Apple & Spotify.

An in-depth discussion about weaving the three threads of my work

In this interview with Hannah Phang we explored the place in the world for the healing arts including the three deep listening practices that are at the core of my life’s work. Click to dive in on Apple or Spotify.

The Therapeia Podcast

This is a podcast that was started by a couple of good friends that I studied Holistic Psychotherapy (Process Work) with. In this episode we talk about myth and how it helps us find the suitable story. And I’m back on here (and here) where we talk about Jupiter and Saturn: the endless dance of expansion and contraction.